“Every country needs roads, ports, railroad, sanitation, energy and communication systems in order to prosper and to provide a decent standard of living for their population.” Fortitude participates in creating a reliable infrastructure across many sectors. We serve as an infrastructure financing mechanism not only for the project, but also to achieve goals such as environmental, social and local employment. Fortitude advisory services help construct commercial terms that lead to risk mitigation and facilitate investment participation.
The ability to develop long-term assets in infrastructure leads to economic efficiency and economic growth. Fortitude’s participation with infrastructure projects accelerates the integration, growth and the area’s transformation. Fortitude not only brings forth the monetary investment, but we work with highly skilled management teams that bring their experience. This experience maximizes the benefits of the identified project.
- Long term financing for infrastructure projects
- Minority shares in equity investments
- Early stage equity for new project development
- Mezzanine Financing
- Public Private Partnerships
The Fortitude Advantage
The principle reason that infrastructure projects have difficulty is due to the fact that most projects are not properly structured. Our investors can be assured, as well as, our clients that sufficient and predictable pipeline of properly structured projects exist. Our approach delivers a structured, legal, coherent approach that mitigates political and in-country risks. Fortitude’s participation allows for the risks to be clearly identified and delivers adequate returns for those risks.
- Value enhancement through active management
- Attractive risk-adjusted returns
- Long duration assets
- Stable long term yields
Fortitude Deliverables
From the project development perspective Fortitude assumes the responsibility for the successful planning, execution, monitoring and control. Our in-house systems balance and optimize: Scope-Resourcing-Time-Quality. As part of Fortitude’s communication investors are provided with the Business Case justification, along with the planning and regular communications. Our systems allow Fortitude to identify and manage the project’s risk to assure a project delivered on time and on budget.
- Commercial structuring
- Regulatory compliance
- Governmental relationships: Federal, State, Local
- Structured Process
- Engineering and Construction firms relationships
- Funding sources
Working Together
Irrespective at what stage you are at in the development of the project or the area of contribution to the project in which you would like to participate, Fortitude welcomes the opportunity to engage. The commercial terms for the projects with which we are associated are varied and the opportunity to participate in the process of delivering projects continuously evolves. We welcome all discussion on Win-Win partnerships.